Sunday 23 March 2014

The stone I carved my heart into

Lately I haven't felt like doing anything. There's this feeling of anticipation in the air, but I'm not really sure what I am waiting for. I've cleaned these past few days more than I've done in a year. I don't feel like reading, nor doing school stuff, not playing WoW, not doing anything. Good thing I tried Heartstone, the card game, otherwise I would be bored out of my mind.

My guildies have noticed my absence. My game time expired and I just didn't feel like buying more. I did eventually, but only because I felt pressured to show my face in the game. And we were supposed to have a raid today. Only four people showed up including me. Yay.

I even rearranged my room to be more efficient. I'm not sure if it looks any better but at least my computer is closer to window and I can let my mind wandering while staring out in the cold. I think I miss warmth too much. But only couple of months of school and then it's "vacation". Now that I have a job it's not going to be total vacation, but maybe I can take it easy.

I hope I can go on few trips this summer. I would love to visit many of the guildies. If I don't feel like hanging with them in the online world, I can at least spend time with them IRL. Good thing I get along so well with my housemate, she is great company when I'm feeling bored and lonely.

That's all. Not much posts to make, since I don't really feel like doing that either. I mean this. Don't feel like doing this.

Hang in there, I'll pick up the slack soon.

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