Wednesday 18 December 2013

If you can dream it, you can do it

Last night I had nightmares again. In my dream, I was still with my latest ex and we were trying to get some sleep in our little dream-apartment. Suddenly his mother calls and demands all kinds of things. I don't agree so we go back to sleep. Next thing I know, there's light coming from the mailbox-hole and half of her head pops in from it and she keeps demanding stuff. I get angry and tell her to go away. I lock the door so she can't get in with her set of keys, and I try going back to bed. I could feel through my sleep how angry I was for two things 1) her butting in in our life 2) I didn't get to sleep. The dream-mother-in-law called my boyfriend and demanded to know what was going on and why was our sleep more important than her things. The dream-bf didn't defend my right to sleep and I got so furious I started to throw my clothes and other stuff in a grocery store cart and yelled my lungs out. In the dream I ended up moving out in rage.

I didn't know I had such traumas from his mother but I guess I do since it's the second time I dream about her.

But that wasn't my point here this time. My point is that I can remember being so angry IRL. It's horrible and exciting at the same time. I kinda miss letting my feelings go so loose and just act on them. I haven't broken any plates in years!

I think it's time for me to accept the fact that I am a passionate person, and the person who loves me should accept it too and let me rage from time to time. It's not the end of the world.

In my dreams last night I also couldn't find my apartment and several other stuff happened. The night before I was a female black cop that had to save her daughter from a burning building, but I only had a bike to get there. I should tell you about my dreams one day, because I have a lot of them. And some of them are pretty weird. What would Freud say?

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