Friday 20 December 2013

Alone, in the dark

Few days ago I was sitting in the bus and I noticed over half of the passengers were crouching over a light coming from their palms. Made me think what if writing would have been invented now? Would people say reading books in buses and trains destroys all social interactions between the fellow people?

And then I thought about time when reading wasn't common and books were hard to get and I realised why people that knew something knew quite much: They had time to read. Think about the long trips they made back then. Sitting in the cart for hours and hours would give time to read if there was daylight outside.

Back to this time and age. I disagree with the thought smart phones, virtual worlds and all that makes us less social. I think it's quite the opposite. It shows that we do care what's going on in peoples lives, although there is much karma whoring going around too. But people are not so focused on thinking about and memorising equations and plays, but checking up on friends and family or talking to people in other countries. People who chat their bus rides get first hand knowledge about the common mans society, learn about other cultures and see news about ongoing events that affects our society. People are more informed about daily life and maybe not as blind as the one that sits in the bus without the light in his palm.

The one that sits alone in the dark.

I mean, come on. When is the last time you met a Finn that would talk to a stranger?

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