Friday 29 November 2013

In the end, does it even matter?

What has happened to compassion?

Has there ever been any?

You know the feeling when you see a person, someone you know, making the most ridiculous decisions of his life and you just want to go over to him and tell him how to fix it? Don't.

"Love me when I deserve it the least, that's when I need it the most."

Lately I've been going crazy with all the noise around me, telling me what to do and how to fix my life. Somehow I ended up being less than everyone else, downgraded to something that is okay to give advice to and to poke, poke, poke, endlessly. The noises keep telling me to live more, work more, study more, take more chances, think more, be more careful, get more money, think less, care less, stress less, work less, study less, be more active, play less, be alone, get a boyfriend. The noises tell me how my next boyfriend should be like and how he should not be like. They tell me where I should get a job and they forget that I can't do everything. They tell me I need more time to myself and I shouldn't rush into anything, that being alone would do me good. At the same time they tell me to go out more, see more people, hook up with this guy and that guy. They tell me I'm crazy for studying so much but at the same time they look down on me if I skip a lecture.

My life, as it is now, apparently is full of endless possibilities to give advice on how to make it better. I didn't know anything was wrong with my life. Or at least nothing I hadn't already thought myself. And the only thing that really has changed lately is that I'm not in a relationship anymore.

When the real life noises goes quiet, the echos still ring in my head. Over and over and over and over again. I should care less. But how? I should think less. But how? I don't know how to shut everything out except for shutting everything out.

"Sometimes the best you can do is just survive."

Here are my advice to you (I can see the irony, no need to point it out): Don't let anyone tell you what to do. Only you know what is best for you. If someone force feeds you advice tell them to piss off. Ask for compassion. Look for a person who will listen to you without judging. And remember, it's okay to ask for help when you need it. But think before you give it without someone asking it first.

In this time and age we care too little. So be out there and care more. Even if it means you'll get burned sometimes, it's still better than the alternative. There should be nothing wrong in caring about others around you.

Best thing you can say to someone: Everything will be alright. You can get through anything. I support you. I care.

And here's my advice to myself: be less scared.

/end of rant


  1. I know what you should do! No, wait, I don't. :-)

    Thanks for the post, I enjoyed it much.

  2. Thank you for reading and enjoying it :)
