Thursday 19 September 2013

The faire of the dark moon

This post was written on a Thursday 11th of October:

I find myself becoming increasingly worried about the situation the world is in. Especially the state Finland is in. I know it has to do with he upcoming elections, but I can't help but thinking that the things that are now brought up, aren't any less valuable for the timing.

I've read sad news about daycare and justice and others from the deep dark dephts of Internet. Facebook can be very depressing place if you keep clicking the most boring looking links. And you might actually have to think about stuff. And we all know how knowledge increases pain.

There's a proverb that states a sausage to have two ends and so has society: conspiracy theorists. Third end in this Fukushima sausage is the governments official publicity. So remember guys, what ever you read, take off those rose coloured glasses and put on your deep dark ones. Be critical and think for yourself. Conspiracy theorists can come across total whack jobs, but it doesn't mean that they don't know even a tiny bit of the truth. And if the officials seems honest, doesn't mean that they don't advocate someones personal interests. The question is, is it yours, your children's or your elderly parents interest too?

For making this little more casual and lighter, here's a link for that Meanwhile when you in the future drink from the cups that makes dinosaurs into fossils and watch Night at the Museum, you can ponder is it alright to show historical characters understandable in modern standards. I'm pretty sure that we couldn't understand a person from hundred years and all their cultural behaviour. Or someone from even further in time.

What kind of comic relief was that all about! Apparently there are too heavy thoughts in the air to be light even in the end.

Happy DFM for everyone equally!

PS. Here is an inspirational music video from Killwitch Engage. 
Can one be charged for agitating the people if no-one reads the agitation?

Sometimes I feel like I only wrote the stream of my consciousness. Hopefully this will get better as we go along the year.

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