Thursday 5 September 2013

Something concrete

I know I said I would translate the finnish posts but today I felt like writing about something new. Yet again I'm coming out of a long relationship and preparing myself for the dating world. Because I'm in that age that usually people my age are married and had children and overall settled down, I keep wondering what it is that I want out of my next relationship. Dating would be so much easier if I had a list of what things to look for. I could freely enjoy the singlelife while looking for the spesific person and then pursue it when I do. Sounds simple enough? Wrong!

This is the "is it better" -game, that I play constantly in my head. They might be things that I never get an answer for. It's not exactly gaming, but let's play anyway. ("SO" is significant other btw ["btw" is by the way fyi ("fyi" is for your information)]).

Is it better to have your SO as passionate about something as you are, like music, or have one that let's you choose everything you two listen to? Is it better to find someone who likes something as much as you, let's say chocolate, or better to be with someone who can't understand why you like it and thus let's you eat it all?

Is it better to have a SO that farts in your face but doesn't mind you doing the same or one that can't stand polluting the air from either one?

I want kids so I think about should I have a SO that is younger and foolish and still believes everything will end up fine or an older SO who is sceptical enough to want other things from life than selfishness?

Is it better to have a SO so rich that there'll be nice life ahead of you or to have one that understands the struggles you've gone through and you can struggle together?

Are more intelligent people less passionate? Would it be good to have a little dumber SO who would be more open to feelings  than cold calculating brainiac? Could I ever be the smarter one in a relationship?

Is it better to throw yourself in the wind of feelings or stay grounded and check if your CV's of life matches with the person you are considering?

Does superficial things matter? And what are just superficial things and what are actually more significant?

Am I going to waste my time and at some point finally see that there isn't such thing as love after all?

Can a human being be 100% sure about anything?

And this question to show that not all of the things are even close to serious but they are still ok to be wondered about: Does it really matter how long hair the other one has?

I had a dream last night about a man who was caught having... umm... carnal relations with a beautiful woman and the husband of this blond beauty caught them and was furious. The men had been fighting for a while and the cheater was hanging from the balcony all beaten and bloodied. Both men were getting exhausted of all the fighting but the husband got strength from somewhere and started to beat the man hanging from the railing. He wasn't able to hit that hard anymore and the cheater could've make it if he just had hanged on a bit more. But he just suddenly gave up and let go.

And was smashed to the concrete road four storeys beneath him.

Wonder what Freud would say about that.

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