Friday 6 September 2013

About pet battle

This is from 1st of October, 2012. I skipped one text because it was total rubbish not that this is any better. Here it goes:

Meow and rawr!

Best times to write in here is of course when your character is busy making netherweave bags. Some sillybeans were selling the cloth so cheap that I can make many, many, many gold pieces with them. With the new expansion, selling bagspace has been financially very beneficial, if you know what I mean. Can't complain even though MoP has brought up the bad in tanks. They're in so hurry to get to the end-game so it makes them run through dungeons and pull their asses off. And then there's me, trying to keep up with that pace and heal. It's good to remind yourself it's just a game when the tears start to make their way out of the eyes. And there's always the option to go get some rest and do pet battles.

If pet battling isn't that familiar yet, I really suggest to get to know it. It's good way to waste time when waiting for a random dungeon or a battle ground group to pop up. One of the best part of it that it's account wide activity, especially from the perspective of an altoholic. I'm not super excited about joining all the achievements and titles because there is less content to do. No point on grinding the main faction reputation now but just for the discounts. Never been so poor I needed to do that much work for that little copper. Grinding titles sounds like fun to me, grinding discounts sounds too much like real life. Who would want to go into a virtual world to do the same you can do outside in fresh (read: bloody cold) air, rain and darkness?

Ahem, trying to stay on the subject here. The old companion pets have turned into battle pets and with those you can take over the world battle by battle. You can battle with other players, NPC's or critterlike creatures in the nature. The battle pets in the world you can try to capture into your own collection - what I've gathered they get randomly a rarity, so you might wanna battle the same kind of pet until you get one with the blue rarity. You can only have three pets the same kind but you can always do a good deed and release the ones you don't need back to the nature. How humane, Blizzard!

 My first impression of pet battling is that it's quite simple but all the stuff around it might get confusing. I had ten horde balloons and another bunch of alliance balloons when the account wide combination came along. Too bad you can't battle with them, would be fun. If this is your first time with battle pets, I highly recommend checking out the quests. They really make things clearer and the rewards from them were fun. Especially an RP'er could enjoy the cookies that makes your pet double the size.

What are you staring at this anymore, go battle!

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